Sunday, May 31

You can't handle the truth (10 Statements)

  • The only material possession that would make me a happier person is a complete set of nice dishes
  • I am absolutely finished playing the role of 'back up' or 'stand in'
  • I think you are a coward
  • I'd give anything to be Elder Johnson again
  • The 'Gospel' has provided the majority of the motivation in my life to strive to be a better, loving person. The 'Church' provides none of it
  • If you never are going to hold up a sign for me that says: "To me, you are perfect" you aren't worth it. And you never will be
  • If I were to draw a Venn Diagram of "Qualities that Make a Good Person" and "Qualities that Make a Good Mormon," there would be very little overlap, if any
  • 'The Church is wrong' is not a valid excuse to leave
  • Without reservation or exclusivity I can confidently say that I care more about you than you do me
  • My heart is still recovering from the damage you caused but I'm almost ready to love again without fear or reservation. No thanks to you


  1. that's right -- did it again...

  2. You say "the church" provides no motivation for you to be a better loving person, then you go and say that "the church" being wrong is no excuse to leave it.

    If you'll pardon my bluntness, that's retarded. If it doesn't provide you any good, then why let it waste your time?

  3. I would get you some new dishes but I think your roomies would trash them in no time.

  4. I hope your vengeance is as rewarding to you as it is painful to me.

  5. Ezra, the Church itself does not provide the motivation, but the Gospel provides all of it. And by if "the Church is wrong," I meant to imply if "The Church is wrong about this issue" it still is no excuse to leave.

  6. To me, you are Perfect. A lot more appealing than perfect actually... Thanks again for your blogs.
